Diabetes Education


Take Charge of Your Diabetes

Note: The Diabetes Education site is currently under construction. Check back for more updates!

Diabetes is a serious and lifelong condition, but it can be managed well. If you are at risk for diabetes, have signs or symptoms of diabetes, or have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, type 1, type 2, or gestational diabetes, we can help. 

Certified diabetes educators, registered nurses, and registered dietitian nutritionists are available at several Munson Healthcare hospitals located throughout northern Michigan. Our expert diabetes team is nearby with the tools, education, and support you need to help you thrive.

How Do I Get Started With Diabetes Education Services?

A physician's referral is required to participate in Diabetes Self-Management Education. Once referred, a diabetes educator will work with you to develop a care plan that meets your needs. 




All Munson Healthcare Diabetes Education programs are accredited by the American Association of Diabetes Education or recognized by the American Diabetes Association, and certified by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

Diabetes Education Classes & Support Groups

People who attend diabetes education classes are more successful in managing their diabetes. You will learn evidence-based information about nutrition, glucose monitoring, medications, and exercise to help you make lifestyle changes that will lead to improved health.

Our education services are tailored to meet your needs. We offer group classes and individual sessions at a location near you.

  • Diabetes classes for those with type 1, type 2, or gestational diabetes
  • Pre-diabetes classes
  • National Diabetes Prevention program classes
  • Diabetes seminars



Northern Michigan Diabetes Initiative

The Northern Michigan Diabetes Initiative (NMDI) is a regional collaboration serving 14 counties in northern Michigan. Munson Healthcare is a key partner in this collaboration. NMDI is dedicated to the prevention, early detection, and management of diabetes. You'll find tips on affordable testing supplies, events, classes and seminars, support groups, recipes, carbohydrate counters, Medicare coverage, and more.

Visit the NMDI website to learn more.

Follow NMDI on Facebook for the latest news about diabetes and diabetes-related activities in your area.


Visit NMDI

Are You at Risk for Diabetes?

Are you at risk for diabetes? Take this 60-second quiz from the American Diabetes Association to help you determine your risk level. 


Take the Quiz