Pharmacy Residency Bios


Pharmacy Residency Bios

Current Pharmacy Residents

Jocelyn Curtis

Jocelyn Curtis

Jocelyn grew up in Flushing, MI and completed her PharmD from Ferris State University in 2023. Her professional interests include emergency medicine, critical care, and pediatrics. Outside of work you can find her lifting weights, walking her puppy, golfing, or playing volleyball. Jocelyn has a passion for taking care of patients and improving the lives of others through her work. Jocelyn was drawn towards Munson Medical Center after meeting the pharmacy team during interviews which showcased the passion every preceptor has towards helping the residents grow in this year of learning and new experiences. 

Alexander Pierce

Alexander Pierce

Alex grew up in Kalamazoo, MI and completed his bachelor’s degree from Western Michigan University and his PharmD degree from the University of Michigan in 2022. His professional interests include infectious disease, critical care, and emergency medicine. Outside of work, you can find him spending time with family, cooking, and enjoying the outdoors. Alex was drawn to the PGY1 program at Munson because of the welcoming culture, outstanding interview process, and opportunities to teach and mentor longitudinal APPE students.    

Nicholas Rohde

Nicholas Rohde

Nick grew up in Rockford, MI and received his Bachelor of Science in biochemistry from Grand Valley State University in 2019 and PharmD from Ferris State University in 2023. His career interests include oncology, internal medicine, and academia. Outside of pharmacy, his interests and hobbies include playing music, drinking coffee, seeing friends, exercising, and spending time with his fiancée Taylor and two dogs Brandy and Bear. He was drawn to Munson due to an excellent selection of rotations, positive word-of-mouth from friends familiar with the institution, and the welcoming attitude demonstrated by the department during the interview process.    

Dylan Walto

Dylan Walton

Dylan grew up in Bloomfield Hills, MI and completed his bachelor’s and PharmD at Ferris State University. His clinical interests include emergency medicine, critical care, and pediatrics. Outside of residency, Dylan can be found hiking, reading, cooking, or standing in a river catching foliage with a fly rod. Dylan was drawn to the upbeat culture at Munson Medical Center during his P4 APPE rotations as a DIRECT student and thoroughly enjoys working with all the team as a resident.