What to Expect in Inpatient Rehab at Munson Medical Center

Length of Stay
Early in the admission process, we’ll share approximately how long you will be staying on the Rehabilitation Unit. This may change based upon your gains made in therapies and progression toward your goals.
Family and/or Support Person
Your family’s support and their understanding of your needs is a vital part of your rehabilitation.
While on the Rehabilitation Unit, your family and/or support person are welcome and encouraged to attend therapy sessions on a regular basis. There will be times when a family/support person will be required to attend therapy sessions, as determined by the Rehabilitation team. The case manager will tell your family and/or support person when they need to attend therapies. See our current visitors policy.
Insurance Requirements
Most insurance companies include a rehabilitation benefit. Our Patient Accounts staff will verify this benefit before you are admitted.
A washer, dryer, and detergent are available on the unit for your use. When possible, families are asked to care for laundry. If that’s not feasible, nursing staff will assist you.
The Rehabilitation Unit has a comfortable dining room that you are encouraged to use for your meals. It is large enough for your family to come and eat with you. See our current visitors policy.
Visiting Hours
Visitors are generally welcome and encouraged – Please ask at the nurse’s station for individual restrictions.
Family members who are participating in therapies are encouraged to attend therapy sessions. Please encourage other visitors to visit in late afternoon or early evening Monday - Saturday, or anytime on Sundays as to not interfere with therapies or much needed rest breaks. See our current visitors policy.
Community Re-Entry
When you are nearing the end of your stay, an occupational therapist may take you on a community re-entry outing, if appropriate. The community re-entry outing provides an opportunity to practice the skills you will need when you are discharged into your community. You and your therapist will decide where in the community you would like to go. Patients often choose places such as grocery stores, shopping centers, and restaurants.
Home Evaluation
As your discharge nears, an occupational therapist may accompany you and/or your family to your home to assess its readiness for your return. Our team will help determine what kind of equipment, ramps, or home modifications may be necessary to keep you safe and comfortable.
Discharge planning begins the day you are admitted. Your physician and your rehab team will meet with you and your family to plan appropriate discharge arrangements.
Discharge from the Rehabilitation Unit doesn’t necessarily stop your rehabilitation journey. Your continued recovery may include the services of home care nurses and aides, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, or other outpatient services.
Upon discharge from rehab, most patients will still initially require 24-hour assistance from a family member or support person.