Munson Healthcare Hospice 2024 Memorial Butterfly Release

Memorial Butterfly Releases
In August 2024, the Munson Healthcare Hospice Bereavement Program facilitated memorial butterfly releases in Cadillac, Charlevoix, Frankfort, Grayling, Manistee, and Traverse City to honor those loved and lost. The video below offers a glimpse into the events and their importance.
The Butterfly
The small and delicate wings of the butterfly carries symbolism in a variety of cultures and belief systems across the world. Irish, Mexican and Native American cultures, Greek mythology, and Christianity all mention the butterfly and believe that it is in some way connected to the heavens or representative of our soul or resurrection.
From their short and swiftly changing lifecycles to the thousands of miles they may fly in their little time in this world, they are tiny creatures that remind us of our life’s journey and that we are never the same at the end as we were at the beginning.
Munson Healthcare Hospice Bereavement Support
To register for support groups or classes, make an appointment for consultation, or for more information about Munson Healthcare Hospice, bereavement activities, and volunteer opportunities, please contact us at (800) 252-2065 or