Hospital and Ambulatory Provider: PowerChart Updates
For electronic health record assistance, please call the Help Desk: (231) 935-6053.
Date | Education | Ambulatory Providers | Hospital Providers |
11.06.2024 | Tube Feeding and Oral Supplement Order Updates | X | |
10.01.2024 | Proposed Controlled Substance Order Workflow | X | X |
10.01.2024 | Pediatric Intranasal Medications | X | |
09.24.2024 | Telmediq Searching and Filtering Options | X | X |
08.13.2024 | Bedrest Order Alert | X | |
08.06.2024 | Restraints for Providers | X | |
07.25.2024 | NG OG Tube Insertion and NG OG Tube Discontinuation PowerPlans (CAD, GRY, KMHC and POMH Only) | X | |
07.16.2024 | Anticoagulation Therapy Management | X | |
07.09.2024 | SkyVue Image Slices and Annotations | X | X |